
Old CD and DVD = embroidered scissor case !


I was fed up to see old unused CD and DVD scattered around the house. So running through the web I discovered this place :
Funny,  but it gave me another idea to recycle my old CD. A scissor case ! 
I missed my mother birthday, June, 1th, so it would be the perfect gift from a stitcher to another stitcher and from a daughter to her beloved mother.

I choose in my huuuuuge stash  : 4 pieces of "soie sauvage" : 2 deep red and 2 old looking gold, 2 pieces of felt, a cardboard piece, a red organza ribbon about 1,5", golden beads, silk threads, metallic threads, 4 used CD, some glue, 12 skillful fingers, gallons of fresh tea and nerves of steel (french idioms translated)... I needed them, because, old habits die hard, I stitched the whole thing the day before offering it to my mother and finished around 3:00 PM. Arrrrghhh ..... it sooooo me !

Sorry for the bad pictures. I took them with my Iphone.

See the top. I embroidered my mother initial, M for Monique in fly stitch using a wonderful hand dyed silk, I guess it is one of the Thread Gatherer, but I have lost the tag.

Under the unitial, I stitched A rose and its buds in bullions  with AVAS  silks. 
These bullions are quite a challenge. They slipped, they twisted, they have their own life which doesn't include mine !!

See the bottom. I used 2 AVAS silk thread strands with one metallic strand : Bijoux from Access commodity. I stitched now and then following my imagination. 

The opened scissor case. Dues to lack of time, I didn't stitch anything inside where I would have put some flowers and beads. The scissors (Bohin a french company)  are lonely but very nice and sharp. We can't see it, but they are red, green and gold.

Below, you'll be able to see some close up and how I managed to make the scissor case.

For fun, the tutorial :

The felt glued to a cardboard then to the CD

I cut the embroidered piece of silk without any "finesse". I am an embroiderer, remember  ? not a good sewer nor craftsman (woman ?)

I run a thread around and ...

... simply pull the thread. Be serious, I just have made a knot ? 

Then I put some fabric glue on the 2 covered CD and stuck them together. Before stucking them I have put the organza ribbon between the 2 CD. It will be used to make a nice knot in order to close the scissor case.

And I sew the edges with the metallic thread. Please note it is around 1:00 in the morning and I am tired and fairly crancky. Fortunately, the whole house is sleeping and didn't heard the insults I mumble.

Because I am addicted to beads, I stitch golden beads at regular (hummmmm) spaces.

VOILA !!!! 

It is nearly 3:00 in the morning, my eyes and fingers are sore, my insults directory is complete, but I am happy to have be able to turn old unused stuff in a nice looking gift for my mother.

Needless to say she was delighted with her scissor case.


  1. Dear Virginie,

    I really want to add your blog to my blog list, but I try to Add, and Blogger just says "Done" immediately and doesn't add it.

    I'm Following it now - but I always forget to check Followed blogs.

    Do you have an RSS feed from your site? It's really weird - I'm on Blogger too!

    I've already mentioned that I love your work. And your style! I'd love to keep up with it.

  2. Virginie - ignore the last comment.
    Your blog has appeared in my blog list. *happiness*

    Now I just need to read back through it.

    I would be really interested in seeing worked examples/pictures of the normal vs long vs short stem stitch - never heard of the concept before!

  3. Virige What a maarvelous use of old CD discs. Thanks for sharing.
    Dee in NV-USA

  4. what a great idea! clever! I would love to try this, thanks for the inspiration

  5. Ah Cherie - you are just too clever my dear. I love the
    Inspiration. Now you have me thinking of what else could be done- hmmmmm. Hugs ma petite Chou Chou.

  6. Hi nice lady,
    Popped across after you left the comment on my blog re my new project.

    I really want the shine of silk on the dragon. I'm going to buy some Pearsalls (my first ever real silk, except YLI which is crap for embroidery).

    Black and gold in Bayeux stitch, you recommend? I'll look into it, at least. I know I'm going to have to change some background colours because I don't have much silk dupion in my stash and it looks be to embroidered on silk. (Maybe the red bit is velvet).

    When you mention "I 'll stitch it in access commodity" - acc comm have a range of products. Is it a particular gold thread you are talking about?

    I love getting recommendations - makes me think in a whole new direction!

    best, :-)

  7. To Elmsley Rose
    Hi I am travelling through Ireland for the holidays but I took my beloved MacBook pro to chat with friends around the world LOL !! To answer your question,the Access commodity thread I used is called Bijoux MMT#481 crown jewels. Do you want to know how I can answer though I am not at home since last friday ? Simple I took a huge bag only for my stitching and knitting and the Acce commidy spool was in my bag whore i forgot it !!! LOL ! good for you !!!

  8. Very pretty!

    Bonjour de l'angleterre.=)

  9. Hi,
    Will you please post a link to your Blog at The Embroidering Community? Our members will love it.
    It's easy to do, just cut and paste the link and it automatically links back to your website. You can also add Photos, Videos and Classifieds if you like. It’s free and easy.
    Email me if you need any help or would like me to do it for you.
    Please feel free to share as often and as much as you like.
    The Embroidering Community: http://www.vorts.com/embroidering/
    I hope you consider sharing with us.
    Thank you,
    James Kaufman, Editor

  10. Very beautiful, and useful too! I have a lot of old CDs, I'll try this too! Thank you for this tutorial!
